And there was order in the world yet again. Peace be with blog-kind and may we wish good will to all in this now-annual tradition.
And I really don’t have much more to say about that. What you could do, however, is to help me help all of us by goading Momotato back into blogging. Since all he does is watch anime off nico^2 (we really could use a blogger who tackles stuff from that perspective, but that’s for another day) anyways, it’s definitely easier for him to, I dunno, write stuff and put it on the internet instead of downloading stuff then watch it. Goad him, how? You can just send an encouraging message either using his email (which is momotato -> google mail) or write embarrassing but flattering things about him in the comments of blogs he reads.
Why? It’s fun and he’s a jolly fella. And I think there’s something we all gain when we bother him, especially those of you who used to read his blog but have since moved on. You guys are really something special and you should let him know, one way or another. Even if it’s just a “happy new year” thing.
And lol what Michael Bay? I guess Manabi’s skateboard does transform…
Random off-off-topic note: I just want to highlight this blog post. In Search of Number Nine is pretty solid of a blog, but purely speaking as a blog. It’s always good to see what some light-weight fans have to say about something you’ve taken for granted years ago, but better.
January 2nd, 2008 at 10:12 pm
Man, I was pleasantly surprised as you were Omo when Momotato updated! I still have his blog bookmarked on the off-chance he’ll start again; at least he seems to be updating annually right? LOL
Really miss his short yet very pinpoint summaries on the various anime he watched. Definitely helped me in deciding to watch in a few back in the day.
And me thinks I’ll take your suggestion and make a quick post about him as well. Good call. There’s nothing like blogging peer pressure to get someone back in blogging! XD
January 3rd, 2008 at 12:40 am
Wait, what? Where the hell do I comment on his posts?! ):
January 3rd, 2008 at 2:31 am
I don’t think I knew what a blog was when Momotato started blogging
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:55 am
You can’t comment on his site. I’m not even sure if he uses a backend for it.
Just use email if you need to say something.
January 3rd, 2008 at 10:48 pm
Zepy: when is next daioh update
Momotato: 1.1.09
Zepy: :(
January 4th, 2008 at 2:32 am
*Reading Omo’s comment* I’M IN DESPAIR!