Anime Expo 2012: Guh Harder

I like many of the guests and the people I know attending Anime Expo this year, but I am just not motivated enough to think it’s worth the effort. For the first time ever I am going to a con feeling like it’s work. You know? I am not sure why this is (besides not at all liking the way press panels are done this year) but it’s a small price to pay for the sort of thing I get out of it.

Let’s put it in context. Otakon just announced Nonaka Ai as a guest. That alone has gotten me more excited than the entirety of Anime Expo. On top you add the stuff they already announced (Hirano, Eminence crap) that already bumps Otakon well beyond AX this year. That has a lot more to do with my own tastes and leanings but I don’t think what I enjoy is all that niche among other guest-chasers. It isn’t like AX is not loaded to the gills with oversea guests, after all.

Give me one reason, AX?

I spent an hour last night doing my schedule for the con. Day 1 is going to be hell if I am to attend any press panels. This is not an one-person job. But at the same time I want to know what these companies have for store. Most of them have stuff worth keeping an eye out for.

  • Crunchyroll: They have a pretty awesome live stream schedule set up with guests and what not. Friday at least. Good enough that I might want to go see. That’s on top of the announcements they’ll make (which will just get PR’d I assume). Also, Soubi Yamamoto is gonna be there? I guess I’ll show up at some point for the low-quality free t-shirt.
  • Nozomi: It’s just a matter of time that they rescue Stellvia, but that’s just my guess. Tatsuo Sato at the con seems like something of their doing, and I’m glad to see one of my favorite creators at a con I attend.
  • FUNimation: I’m sure they will announce some license; they invariably do and I think they’re a little behind this year. Someone’s gonna pick up Chihayafuru right? What I’m a little excited about is their at-con bonus for buying Fractale. Because you know you wanna. LOL. Of course on Rightstuf Fractle is $42, which is a lot less than the MSRP $65.
  • NISA will probably announce something. This one is actually the least certain. What’s more certain is that if you spend $$$ at the booth you will get bonus loot. So I plan to at least pick up the two shows I meant to buy previously; if it doesn’t work out I can always buy them later? I don’t know if they’ve sent out an AX-specific news tidbit yet, so I’ll try to remember to update this post when I can.
  • Mangagamer is probably going to have me run around as usual. Their loot is…lavacious, to say the least. The usual raffle and what not is expected, but since I missed their AX-specific live chat with Bamboo (Srsly 1am is way too late for a Monday night) I don’t have all the juicy details. Hopefully someone has that written up.
  • Aniplex: They have something. Or at least I am hoping for a new title. Well, I don’t care about them that much; they do a nice show and it’s all spread out anyway.

I have no idea what Sentai and others are doing at the con, besides that they exist and is dodging the Japanese (at least for that group). Viki is trying to tell the rest of the anime world that “hey we have anime too even if some of them are twice your age” and we’ll see how well that goes.

Oh, there’s also the usual group doing Nihongo de OK, which takes place Sunday at 5pm at the usual spot. The old site hasn’t been updated but it has some useful info. And the two vocaloid panels featuring Dixie Flatline (ZOMG) and a couple other producers.

Oh yeah, did you hear about Kishio? Last minute guest addition! A seiyuu too. Sigh, does nothing for me.


9 Responses to “Anime Expo 2012: Guh Harder”

  • Fencedude

    Otakon just anounced Urobuchi Gen.

    Why would I want to go to AX instead?

    (not that I’m going to either)

    • omo

      Granted we have limited time and money and PTOs, but you could go to both. I am planning to go to both. I am just not liking AX from a perspective of what I get out of it versus what I put in (which is a lot–I’m basically taking a week off work)

      I have to also hand it to Otakon for making these big announcements at least 30 days before the con :D

  • Hinano

    Meanwhile I’m still BAWWWing over the fact that I can’t see Kishio. You can have nanoka ai, I want my Kishiooooooooo щ(ಥДಥщ)

    • omo

      Yeah, this year is a big win for wota who are girls. If I can let you take my place I would gladly do so. You’ll get way more out of it than I will.

  • omo

    NISA outed their newsletter.
    One new license pretty much confirmed.
    New SKUs up for preorder at their booth!

  • omo

    It’s all coming together now. Tamiyasu joined Bamboo on last night’s live chat, and you can read about it below:

  • Yumeka

    I’d love to go to an out-of-state con like Otakon, especially with all these guests they’ve been announcing, but I can only afford one big con a year (and the extra money I’d need for airfare would hurt >_<)

    I went to Nihongo de OK last year (though I arrived late and could barely find a place to squeeze in). I'm planning to return this year =)

    • omo

      I might or might not be there; it seems i always miss out on it because of something else. Hopefully you’ll have a good time :)

  • omo

    I’ve been not counting them but the 3 GoFA guests are confirmed entities, and that should be pretty neat to see in the flesh. Well, Toume Kei at least.

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