The (Not So) Hidden Game of 69Bu

First, some things to consider.

In an ideal world, we could also call them this: seiwota.

Episode 10 credits

Episode 10

It’s not a big surprise that Ro-kyu-bu’s earlier successes are largely on the shoulder of the core seiyuu team. I mean, they put up a showing as idols and their live stage show is a best seller on Blu-ray. Sucks for those kids who bought all the anime blu-rays to get the mail-in DVD.

Season two steps this up. The entire fifth grade team is made up of up-and-coming voice actresses. The nerd-pandering idol-ish types. I mean, I have no idea where Asami “Chihayafuru” Seto is going to be, or how will Minako-and-Tsuda tag team will do (I suppose “Sphere Mugi” Kotobuki has made it already), or that Risa “Wareta Ringo” Taneda will have another show as moving as the one people care about. Oh, there’s that French Loli character, which could’ve been anyone else from this show for what it’s worth.

The villain in Ro-Kyu-Bu SS’s second story arc is this actress, who teams up with these two other iM@S-related voice actors… Not to mention the usual splatter of veterans and newcomers from Ayane Sakura to Ayako Kawasumi. I mean, yeah, this is also why I am watching this lolicon show. I guess I can suffer with these pros together.

5 Responses to “The (Not So) Hidden Game of 69Bu”

  • Cytrus

    The novels are good. They adapt the average novel volume in a record-breaking 2 episodes (some of them they skip, some of them they squeeze in 1 episode…) though, so it hardly even qualifies as a summary. They decided to bet on character appeal, and it served them well enough to get two seasons out and tell the entire story, shortened or not, so I’m mostly glad it worked for them. Though I’d like to see what the series would look like with all the Chihayafuru-esque commentary of the moves/throws from the novels.

  • RaccoonGoon

    Hmm… I started Ro-Kyu-Bu specifically because of the cast, and dropped the first season after four episodes because “Feel like a lolicon” wasn’t that high on my to-do list, but looking at the second season cast, I’m somewhat tempted to give it another try.

  • Alex D.

    693 (RoKyuSan)

    As a fan of the music & lives, despite not having watched a minute of the show, I wonder how I would be classified.

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