It’s the last year the con is going to be in Baltimore.
Uh, not much is going on for me at the con, which means I’ll line up for Makinon’s show, her autograph session, and attend her panel. I’ll probably also go see the Matsuri concerts and ALL OFF’s show on Sunday. Really going to just take it easy when possible. Going as attendee should make that easy.
There are some neat guests at Otakon this year as usual. Yamamoto Kazutomi is really a top get for dude seiyuu of that variety. The PA Works guys are coming again, with a little more reinforcement. LeSean Thomas is kind of interesting to see in this context, but he’s showing a kickstarted thing, as with the UTD guys. Akane Kazuki is a long-timer that’ll definitely draw a crowd. Lots of other people.
There’s also this thing, which is kind of amusing because that music lineup is more hype than the con’s proper lineup. Well, ALL OFF sounds like they would belong here more as well…
There is an Idolm@ster panel. And this is where I kek’d hard.
So while blogging has more or less taken the eternal waterslide to the depths unpopularity of a medium meant for a very specific use from the heights of everyone-had-one, these vloggers are gaining momentum, partly thanks to the format, medium and ecosystem around it, but also there is a lot of incentive for these folks to approach and walk the same walk, but reinterpreting the material fit for consumption in that way. The popular vloggers are like TV and radio personalities, and that’s kind of what they are. A vlogger/featured panelist is doing said IM@S panel. Check out this sample. Well, maybe that’s stretching things a bit, but it’s definitely a thing.
Otherwise, yeah. It’s a low note to the last year at Baltimore. Considering what’s in my immediate horizon Otakon feels like just a bump on the road, but hopefully it’ll be a fun hang-out time nonetheless.
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