Two-thousand and six was only a few days ago and I’m already regretting not making a bigger splash about Renkin 3-kyuu Magical Pokaan as something that everyone should watch.
The problem here is pretty simple. To illustrate it let’s go way back. As many of you may know, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu is possibly one of the most popular Kyoto Animation works ever. Forget about the SOS-Dan; this is really the show that made or broke the studio, and I think most of us would agree that this is a masterful comedy that is true to the source. Yet when people talk about the best anime ever they all just say the same old tired things, and no one would ever say Fumoffu as their favorite, or maybe even the top 3.
There’s just no respect for the sketch comedy format. Seriously. It is as if the average anime fan has no sense of humor or something.
Well…not that I want to test that thesis, but for real, Magical Pokaan is the kind of show that makes me want to laugh and proclaim that this is the best anime of the year…until I realize just how naughty this thing is, and quickly shut my mouth.
Indeed, Magical Pokaan mixes the most innocent cute fodder with the most sinister gutter thinking in a tense package of gothloli-loli and LOLOLOLOLOLy. It hurts to watch because some of its gags are just so funny, and it hurts to watch it because it’s so wrong. It treasures the archetypes and pandering, yet at the same time it uses idealism as a laser and asks, “Do you expect me to talk?”
Pachira then would hold up a sign that says “No Mister Bond, I expect you to GIVE ME BLOOD.”
Here’s one to the best gag anime that I’ve seen in recent years. Hopefully it will be well matched in 2007.
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