Your Favorite Anime Sucks


No, not really.

I am a bit fustered. Partly because of this, but also I’ve hit some kind of a dry spell. Just haven’t been thinking about much other than work lately, so not much to write about.

When all else fail, let’s try insulting random things. Maybe it’ll get the juices flowing.

10 Responses to “Your Favorite Anime Sucks”

  • dm

    Blog or forum, blog or forum…

    Aria has been the victim of all you guys watching it but not talking about it. When you find a gem like this, maybe post a weekly/monthly image in your “what I’m watching this week”.

    Not that promotion for the AGP is an end in itself (that would be a very weird set of priorities), but more to cultivate a general aesthetic, I think. Or actually, to promote.

  • Jeff Lawson

    Perhaps it’s the 4-chanification of American anime fandom. I don’t exactly wish for, “Anime. Serious Fucking Business,” or anything, but it does seem like fans are a lot more shallow than they used to be. Or do they even actually watch anime anymore? Sometimes, I wonder.

    I like the idea of cultivating a general aesthetic, though. It’s a battle marked with small, yet fulfilling victories. If I can convince at least one person to give something like Aria or Simoun a try, I figure I’ve accomplished something.


  • TheBigN

    The problem is, what’s considered a gem to you might be utter trash to other people, and you just have to accept that. :P

    But it’s like Jeff says. And it’s something I try to do in real life, since at least starting a possible in a certain anime or anime in general is worth something. :3

  • Impz

    Aria has been just the kind of anime where you start wondering, and when you want to blog about it, it’s just a bit in the loss of words.

    Yes, one man’s food is another man’s poison. It’s always the situation when it comes to a matter of taste.

  • dm

    If I can convince at least one person to give something like Aria or Simoun a try, I figure I’ve accomplished something.

    I have a friend who recently started watching anime, and comes to me from time to time for pointers. He discovered Aria on his own, so of course I recommended Yokohama Shopping Log to him.

    After several months, I thought he might be ready for Simoun. I hesitantly recommended he take a look at it, and that he set any first impressions aside for a bit.

    Wow, was he ever ready for Simoun.

    So: thanks Jeff and Omo for pushing that series.

    Aria has been just the kind of anime where you start wondering, and when you want to blog about it, it’s just a bit in the loss of words.

    With Aria, nothing ever happens, but it’s so gorgeous. Well, I speak solely based on the manga, since I haven’t had time for the anime yet. I wonder: why not just post a picture? Some things should be allowed to be ineffable.

  • TheBigN

    With Aria, nothing ever happens, but it’s so gorgeous.

    It is, and sadly I know a lot of people that decide not to watch the show because nothing happens or because they want things to be explained to them, and Aria doesn’t really do that either. It’s something to be experienced, and I think that’s why it’s kinda hard to “really” blog about itself, but if you talk about experiencing Aria, it shouldn’t be too hard to write up something good for it. I might try that one of these days. :P

  • dm

    I am reminded of the “walk around looking at stuff”/”Getting purposefully lost in a foreign city” conversation here. “Getting purposefully lost” isn’t a bad description of some chapters in Aria. If you can grasp the notion that a visit to Paris isn’t complete without a visit to a grocery story, then you might like Aria?

  • dm

    “conversation here” has a link to the conversation in question, though not obviously so in my browser.

  • Jeff Lawson

    I went back and read my description of Aria from a couple ago, and… well, looks like we’re on the same page. I think the discussion you cite, dm, is relevant. There’s pleasure to be found in experiencing something, no matter how simple, and I think that’s where Aria’s charm lies.

  • TheBigN

    If you can grasp the notion that a visit to Paris isn’t complete without a visit to a grocery story, then you might like Aria?
    I think you hit it there. Seeing the wonderful in the mundane is what it’s all about. Though I doubt I’d have the time to purposefully get lost for that exact purpose right now. :P

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