Ugh, sort of busy lately. But since I was doing this on my own time, I figured I can share with you some choice videos from Otakon this year if you haven’t had the time to look them up yourself.
Mamiko Noto
- “Ippen Shindemiru?” …maybe, only if you say so?
- Mamiko Noto’s Friday panel in full (click more from this user and go down the 9 vids)
Tomokazu Seki
- God Finger. OH MY GAD HAVE MY BABIES? Better version.
- Gilgamesh impression. GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN WOMAN.
- Chichiri. Ugh.
- On Yaoi.
- Friday panel videos here (more from this user).
Kyoani Dance Mania! (I imagine this is a fraction of what AX got)
- Hare Hare Yukai I
- Hare Hare Yukai II
- Hare Hare Yukai III
- Hare Hare Yukai IV
- Hare Hare Yukai V
- Hare Hare Yukai VI (not in dealer’s room)
- Hare Hare Yukai VII
- Hare Hare LOLKAI (from cosplay meet)
- Hare Hare Yukai VII (panel) (and again)
- Motteke! Sailor Fuku I
- Motteke! Sailor Fuku II
- Motteke! Sailor Fuku III
- Motteke! Sailor Fuku IV
4chan is Madness
- Line video I
- Line video II (has most of the good scenes)
- Stuff from the actual panel
- The intro to the panel
- Trap of the Year (may not be safe for work?)
- Line > Panel.
- NO U.
- Fresh Prince and again (better).
- Wristbands (…)
- Seaking, again.
- FAP.
- Russia.
- Dental Plan.
The Steve & Vic Show
- I like Vic Mignogna? Not this much.
- “Colonel Mustang is dead sexy.” LOL Steve Blum.
- Real Fan of Genius live dub. I heard a bunch of this at AX when I was there–I guess they kept making more? Done by the two people seen above you
- You can see the entire panel by going here, and go down the list (more from this user)
- AAA Fans represent!
- Stalkers. Omo does not approve! Even more stalking.
- Talking about Yasunori Mitsuda.
- Odin Sphere.
- Kimi wo nosete.
- Canta per me.
- Radical Dreamers.
- Totoro theme.
- Princess Mononoke theme
- 8 crappy vids of Eminence (first 8 songs?) Hit more from this user. And hit up Moyism for more. Like the full length version of this.
- A public service announcement.
- Freestyle breaking at Otakon 2007. They were pretty nice.
- One very impressive karaoke act. Or maybe Motteke! Sailor Fuku V!
- Otakon AMV intro video.
- Megatokyo parody.
- Happotai?
- FC from Jersey.
- The one good AMV screened at Otakon, possibly.
Feel free to add more~
August 1st, 2007 at 3:14 pm
Dang, that’s a lot of videos! I’ll have to check them out later tonight but thanks for the heads up. Also thanks for the linkage as well ;)
August 2nd, 2007 at 7:25 pm
What’s AAA?
August 3rd, 2007 at 8:44 am
AAA is some jpop band.
August 3rd, 2007 at 11:30 am
Thanks for putting this list together! The existence of sites like YouTube, Photobucket, etc., and the proliferation of digital cameras has certainly changed the way one can experience a convention. It’s almost like being able to see everything…not sure this is a good thing, but I like it! ;^_^
August 3rd, 2007 at 7:35 pm
Even hikkikomori can get that con experience, now! Soon, cons in Second Life (makes cosplay trivial).
August 6th, 2007 at 8:52 am
I have the entire 4chan panel.
And yes, it was epic lulz and I plan to attend that panel.
August 8th, 2007 at 4:53 pm
There’s finally an actual footage from the AAA show leaked (they didn’t allow videotography of any kind, naturally)
September 17th, 2007 at 8:15 pm
These are my vids from the Melbourne concert… If you even care :p
September 17th, 2007 at 9:09 pm
Of course I care Kuu~ — especially now Beyond the Clouds is up there :D