Japan 2009

It’s a little odd, but I think of going to Japan for the sake of some live performances, shopping and hanging out with friends just like what I do at an anime convention. I might or might not bring my camera; I might or might not go to a maid cafe; I might or might not see cosplayers; I might or might not care about any of that.

However, I will definitely try to eat my way around. I guess that part is something unique to international traveling. Food culture is something integral to the human life experience. It’s diverse, nourishing, and a great way to appreciate culture using most of the sensory perception methods you have. It’s one place where America is on equal grounds with Japan, that both incorporates foreign culinary concepts and spin them into strange, delicious but nonetheless interesting eats. While I can’t really say who does it better, but this is one free market exercise that make us all winners.

Putting 2 and 2 together we get…Japanese food con in America? Seems like a good idea to me! Someone’s done this already, right?

Breaking bread among friends is one of the larger guilty pleasure I share, even if they’re just random guys from the internets! Over Anime Expo this weekend I hope those who are going will take that opportunity as well. People looking to replicate the same thing at Otakon? Looks like the Anime Diet guys are trying to do something. At least one of them anyways.

If there’s a point to this post, it is that if for some reason you read an Evangelion 2.0 review on this blog, you’d know it was because I was somewhere out of town catching a film of said thing. Same with going to a certain concert. Or maybe even this other one… And (more likely?) if you don’t see anything, you know what’s going on.

13 Responses to “Japan 2009”

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2008 by kransom
    by kransom

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by Alex
    by Alex
    My girlfriend and I mentioned Japanese food at the Katsucon feedback session. They paused and said, “Hm… good idea.” Maybe it’s a possibility at cons where food isn’t restricted inside the convention space.

  • omo

    It’s a common request I think. The problem is how to make it work. In a lot of con space, serving food is a hassle that costs a lot of money in terms of paying different unionized and contracted entities, and it wouldn’t be worth an anime con’s time and money.

    Maybe a street fair or matsuri kind of thing would be a better pitch.

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by TheBigN
    by TheBigN
    Just remember to have enough fun there that it spreads itself over to us who aren’t there with you. :P

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by moyism
    by moyism
    Er if you end up going to the Nana concert, can you get me whatever goods you can get your hands on and have the extra cash for? I’ll pay you back at Otakon? :D

    Beside that, enjoy your trip! I expect some blogging from the far east!

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by omo
    by omo
    Moy: good thing you reminded me. I’ll try to hook you up with something!

    That actually goes to anyone reading this who can make it to see me at Otakon :)

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by sentinel011
    by sentinel011
    Go forth, and enjoy your trip.

    I’d like to do all of that; going to concerts, eating, buying nice 2nd hand clothes, sightseeing, homestaying…. I probably won’t stay too long in Akihabara anyway. Actually, Japan has not much variety in terms of the food sold there; you need to travel quite far to have a taste of different local delicacies.

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by omo
    by omo
    I think I’m foreign enough to Japan that just a little diversity will appease me. But yea, if I had a loooong vacation I would travel a lot and get my money’s worth of food there. Sadly this isn’t the case.

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by TheBigN
    by TheBigN
    Whoa. If that’s the case, than maybe you could get me something from the Kanno concert. :P

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by omo
    by omo
    Sure. Just bring cash.

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by lastarial
    by lastarial
    How long are you there for? Don’t suppose your trip stretches until the 16th/17th?

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by omo
    by omo
    Would love to meet you in Tokyo Lastarial, but sadly I return on the 8th.

    Moy: I got some things, but Lalana got a lot more. Let me know.

  • omo

    Comment on Japan 2009 by lastarial
    by lastarial
    Drat! Still, have a great time.

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