Moe Is Dead Part N+1: Mind the Gap

It is kind of incredible that people are still unfamiliar with gap moe. Well, people meaning people who watch anime like KoreZom episode 8 or consumes whatever crap Japanese modern visual content industry pumps out day in and day out. Kind of, only because I’m talking about people who live outside of Japan and generally don’t interact beyond the great barrier of the foreign, moonrune language.

But even I know what gap moe is, and I’m just your average chump when it comes to talking about moe. So do yourself a favor and like, read about it.

On that note, KoreZom episode 8 is almost authoritative on this topic. Too bad it doesn’t have any male-type gap moe examples. Unfortunately it is still not a text book on the matter, so unless you gain a working level familiarity on the subject, it can read like a book with no words in it.

And thus this is where we proclaim gap moe’s death: there is a professionally produced anime in which a whole 20-some-odd minutes is spent to expose, explain and exemplify the various notions of gap moe. Granted they stuck in some plot material in those minutes, but it’s quite something to dedicate an episode on a single trope, to this extent. And given it was KoreZom, there was barely any plot material anyways.

No Responses to “Moe Is Dead Part N+1: Mind the Gap”


    Although I invariably find stuff to laugh at every episode of the show, I have to admit that my primary reason for watching it is to see what seiyuu they get for Eu. I’m betting we get to hear Hayashibara Megumi before it’s over. Wasn’t aware of gap moe, but since it’s now dead, I guess I don’t have to worry about it.

  • dm00

    “I’m just your average chump” is contradicted by the use of otaku-slang terms like “Rakkyo” (or whatever) for Kara no Kyoukai.

    And, um, you guys spend w-a-a-y too much time talking about moe, I guess.

  • omo

    The Rakkyo thing is just me hating on how people randomly abbreviate show names and expecting people to understand them. “Why, I will abbreviate it in a way that is way more unique than random English alphabet letters that 50 other things also share.”

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