The Pet Girl of Sakurasou (Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Sakurasou) had a gap episode between last week and this week, in the form of episode 7. I just want to say that I thought that episode, tonally and in terms of the type of content, fits well within my expectation of Sakurasou. However it doesn’t seem to be that way among not only many anime bloggers (I guess I should link to some) but also just casual viewers. Well, here’s what I found off Animenano:
- “Aagh! Not the sister!“
- “In the span of one episode, Sakurasou went from drama/slice of life to straight up harem romance.”
- “Well… this was a messy episode of Sakurasou, aimed mainly at just introducing Yuuko which feels like a lighter version of OniiAi’s Akiko. A much more lighter version, by the way. At least she only wants onii-chan to spoil her, not make her his wife or anything.“
- “To me. I realize that this is a controversial statement to some – to those, the silliness[link removed] of the characters in episodes like these makes the drama ineffective – but these are the episodes that make me irrevocably care about these characters, and it’s that fondness which makes the drama work so well.“
Well, I guess it wasn’t so negative. That says 50-50, depending on how you interpret Kurogane’s reaction. I omitted one entry because it seemed too neutral to be categorized. Hypothesis: some people really go sour on a show if it has that little sister cliche/plot hook/joke. I guess this is not really new? What’s probably more amusing is how some then go on and try to justify their outlook. I guess I love vanilla ice cream because chemically they are less complicated than most alternatives. Yea, that’s it. This blog post and observation is brought to you by the opinion that I think Sakurasou has consistently remained more or less the same across every episode. If you think episode 7 is somehow way worse than 1-6 (or way better, for that matter), maybe you are hiding something. Dig deeper and search your feelings. You know it to be true.
December 3rd, 2012 at 12:07 am
Every week I still sigh and see all these detailed blags on shows I’m not watching while Busou Shinki only gets recapped either by Japantor or the semi-literates who run personal figure/toy blogs without the ability to take proper pictures of their figures.
I’m cry. At least there’s garupan
December 3rd, 2012 at 11:03 am
That’s too bad, but that’s just how it is. I mean there’s nothing you can really do about it–unless you can set an example yourself.
December 3rd, 2012 at 3:20 pm
Omo, I think you’ve stumbled across something big here. Who knew that so much of the community had a sister complex in some way or another! ;)
December 3rd, 2012 at 5:55 pm
I like this
December 6th, 2012 at 5:45 pm
( ´_ã‚`)
In my opinion, the sister just adds to enhancing the dynamic between silly and serious that was already there. Once you know the main cast, things are okay, but adding new characters noticeably shifts the balance. Same with episode 8 with
Sab-Rita. I guess we had gotten used to Misaki’s actions beforehand.December 6th, 2012 at 5:56 pm
Well, Sakurasou is a 24-er, so I think the new characters may very well be authentic attempts to make things more complicated and not half-hearted one-shots. We will wait and see.
December 8th, 2012 at 1:07 am
That’s what I hope as well. A flow was going on, and at least the little sister disrupted it enough that it was pretty damn noticeable.