For one night only, on August 1st, the three dead IDOLM@STER 765Pro AS radio shows will make a comeback. It’ll be streamed on Nico, and the first actual IDOLM@STER official youtube channel (about…time?) will also host it. Nico gets an omake as usual I guess.
Not that there’s anything wrong with MOR–it’s a perfectly great weekly internet show, it showcases content that direly needs more exposure and covers all the branches of the franchise, even .KR and 876Pro. In the big picture, we lost 3 to get 3 more? There’s now a Shiny radio, there is another CG weekly(?) and there is MOR. I sort of lost track really. But yes, Aimachu and IM@S Studio are also back with Aisute for one night only.
There is just a bit over a day left to send in some fan mail–all the usual corners are available. The info for Aisute is here. There is also a form to send in general letters for the August 2nd live stream, which features the full cast. Again all the info is on this page, include the other corners from the other shows. The deadline to submit a letter is 7/21 midnight JP time, so you have about a day and change to do so!
It’s hard to explain, but the IM@S radio shows played a big part of P culture from back in the days, and that culture carried into the first Deremas and Million weekly shows. At some point those shows became one of the pillars of the series, even if it was kind of its own thing. It’s easy to get attached to them back when it was a big outlet for the series for people looking at the 2.5D content. In retrospect the three shows didn’t even go away for that long, but it’s nice to say the least.
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